Friday 2 June 2017



It's reviewing time! and today i'll be reviewing this amazing facial cleansing milk by petal fresh. First i'll tell you a little bit about the company. Petal fresh uses all natural paraben free ingredients and their products are cruelty free. This is why i bought this product because sometimes cleansers contain some pretty damaging ingredients which may harm your skin. 


You get 200 ml of the product.


In Pakistan it's price is 320 rupees but the price may vary if you buy it online.


Now let's talk about the qualities of this cleansing milk. Lemon cleanses your face and pores and yogurt replenishes your skin with its moisturizing properties. The combination of these two ingredients is great because they both balance each other out and your skin is left not too dry nor too oily but smooth and fresh, It also has whitening properties but it is not harsh what so ever and whitens your skin subtly over some time. In short it has the following properties:
  • Fairness technology
  • Promotes healthy, rejuvenated skin
  • Soothes sensitive skin
  • Not tested on animals
  • Paraben Free
  • Color Free


This is a cleansing milk so it does not lather up. Is has a smooth serum-like consistency and easily glides over the skin. It does not feel too thick or too heavy on your skin. After massaging it for some time it absorbs into the skin so if you want you can add a little more water to your face to reactivate it.


After using this product your skin will feel

  • fresh 
  • Smooth and soft
  • Glowy
  • Moisturized


Since it is a natural product it will show results after some time. If you want instant results then i won't recommend it. It does not clean your blackheads very well. 

Final thoughts 

Over all it is a pretty good product and is not too pricey either. It being a natural/herbal  and cruelty free product is it's major quality. It does what it says to some extent. I would recommend you buy it if you have dry skin and you want a gentle cleanser.


I would rate this product a 3.5/5

Where to buy

For Pakistanis

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Wednesday 20 July 2016



BEFORE                       AFTER

White shoes not white anymore? don't worry we have all been there. So recently i saw this video on instagram on how to whiten shoes with two ingredients and it changed the whole game because it actually works. So if you want to know keep on reading.


BAKING SODA (3 tbsp)



First of all you will need to make the mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. It should be paste consistency.


Apply the mixture on the shoes with a toothbrush. Also remove the shoes laces and soak them in the mixture. After you applied the mixture thoroughly, leave the shoes in direct sunlight for 2-3 hours. Then wash off the mixture and leave to dry.

Hope you find this post helpful. Thanks for checking it out.

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Saturday 9 July 2016

How to be a happy person

Hey guys,
Lets talk about something that we think about all the time, "HAPPINESS ". 

What is happiness?
Happiness is something that is around us but only some are lucky enough to acknowledge it. Happiness is finding positivity in everything around us. Happiness is not just about a good attitude and a good mood, it is something beyond all that. Happiness is satisfaction of the soul,peace of mind and body.

How to find happiness?
Sometimes a simple question demands a complicated answer. Finding happiness is not as easy as it sounds. It is a full time job. When you some one happy, you think they are doing it effortlessly. Think again, my friend. A happy person is not born happy, they try to be happy. They aren't born with a perfect life, with perfect people. They suffer, go through hardships, fight the battles of daily life. But what is different about them? They see the good in everything. When they lose a loved one, they remember their good things and move on. When they lose they say "so what" and get back up to try again and when they are down they think about all the good things in life.

Happiness is being hopeful.
When ever you are down there is still always something to be hopeful about. for example you lost a friend. You think you will never find some one to make you happy again, make you feel complete again But that is where you are wrong This world is filled with 7 billion people and surely if you look in the right places you will find someone and that is some thing you should be hopeful about. 

Happiness is being thankful.
You may think your life sucks, that there are people living lives better than yours but have you ever thought the other way around. That there is someone who idealizes your life. Some one who thinks you are living their dream life, living in their dream home, dating their dream person, wearing their dream clothes and eating their dream food. This cycle goes on and on and on. The only way to stop it is to stop comparing your life with others. Stop fantasizing about all the things you don't have and be thankful about the things you do have. Be thankful that you have a family, if not, be thankful you have friends,if not, be thankful you have a house, if not, be thankful you are alive and that is above all that. Life is a gift you have to be thankful about. It is given to you for a purpose. So find that great purpose and fulfill it.

Happiness is loving yourself.
You aren't born to degrade yourself or to hate yourself or to loathe yourself and you are definitely NOT born to please others. If others don't like you for the things you love or the people you look up to or the family that you belong to, there are two words for them "screw you". Who cares what others thinks or what the society thinks. They have no right to control your life. So mute the sound of all the haters and you live your best life with no apologies.

Happiness is doing good.
There is nothing that that makes you more happy than doing something good. If you are feeling crappy, do something good. This world is like a trade center. Do good, get good.  Share your good things with others and surely life will share its good good things with you.

Happiness is doing the things you love.
If you love something, don't be afraid to pursue it.If you like to paint, do it, If you like to to travel but you don't have the money, work for it. Stop making excuses. Don't just sit around and do nothing. That will only make you feel worse. If you do something with good intention surely you will succeed. So don't be afraid to give it a shot.

Happiness is appreciation.
Appreciate everything. Look around you and notice the things you take for granted. You will see a whole new world. Your eyes will open to new opportunities. You will find more things to be thankful about. You will notice the little things and they will add up to your list of good things. 

Happiness is the"so what"rule.
If you failed a test,so what, if you lost your job,so  what, If your friends left you, so what, If the love of your life cheated on you, so what.I know all these things make you feel terrible about life and you think its not that simple but believe me, when life closes one door another door opens. When something ends,its the beginning of something new. Saying 'so what' is a way of saying that there will be other opportunities,other great things to look forward to. If something horrible happens, don't think its the end of the world. This is what life is. It is messy, it is hard, it takes unexpected turns, it doesn't always give you a warning before something bad happens. So don't worry. Life has its way of doing thing things. Sometimes you can't do anything and in that case have faith and patience. 
  Love and live each day as it is your last. Everyday and every breath is a blessing and a chance to do something great. In the end,happiness isn't about wining or losing,trying or failing. It is about the little good things that add up in your life one by one and complete you. 
  and if all these things are difficult for you to do then just begin with patience and love. 

I hope this post helped you and i really hope and wish that whatever is it that you are doing, if it has a good intention, you succeed. Most important of all, don't think little of yourself, you are enough and even more then that.

Take care,you are loved. 

Friday 1 July 2016

10 Benefits of rose water and how to make your own rose water.

Hey guys,

So rose water is basically water with rose petal extracts. But don't be fooled by its simplicity.. Rose water has numerous benefits ranging from beauty to health. Rose water is also used in cosmetics,creams and perfumes. I don't know about other countries but it is  widely used in Pakistan,India and Persia. I live in Pakistan, I know how commonly it is used here. I usually use it as anatural moisturizing spray. So if you want to know the benefits of this magical water keep reading


  1. Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to reduce the redness of skin and also to soothe sun burns.
  2. It can be used as a natural toner
  3. It is a good cleanser and can be used to remove the dirt and oil accumulated in your pore.
  4. It is very hydrating and it really refreshes your skin.Use it in winters on that chapped and dry skin. You can also apply it with your moisturizer to make it really seep into your skin. 
  5. Use rose water as a natural primer. Freeze rose water into cubes and apply it on the target area.
  6. If you want to have a relaxing bath, add two cups of rose water in your bath tub. The scent of rose has a soothing effect on our mood and relieves stress. It is kind of like an aroma therapy at home.
  7. Use it as an after shave to soothe your skin and to prevent that horrible rash or burning sensation.
  8. IT PREVENTS ACNE. It removes the excess oils from your skin and stops bacterial growth.
  9. Dip cotton pads in rose water and place under the eyes to reduce puffiness and redness.
  10. It is used as an anti-aging treatment as it keeps your skin youthful for a longer time

  • 1 cup rose petals (about 2 roses)
  • 2 cups (475 milliliters) distilled water
  • Make sure you use fresh roses for best results. Remove the petals and discard the rest of the rose. This will give you enough petals to fill one cup. Add the petals in a sauce pan and add the water. Simmer for twenty minutes.Do not cook on high heat. After 20 minutes the petals will become paler and then you can strain it and put in a jar. Refrigerate it. It will stay fresh for a week.
Hope you guys found it helpful and do give it a try. Please share with your friends and comment below.

Wednesday 29 June 2016


Hey guys, so today i am going to tell you about this amazing hair mask. It is great for summers because we all know that summer is the time where our hair gets crazy, dry and damaged and we all hate it but this mask work wonders.A month ago my hair felt exactly the same, rough, dry and damaged and i was so tensed because no one wants their hair to look like this.Then one of my friends told me about this mask and i tried it, my hair was dramatically transformed and i was so happy with the results.Before trying this mask i was so disappointed, i was like nothing is going to work and then i decided i should give it a try and the results were amazing .This mask is great not only for summers but for all year around.You will see results after one try was but i will recommend using  once a week. At least we can all pamper ourselves once a week because it is summer time we have no school and we all know that summer time is the best time to take care of your hair, skin and everything .

  • coconut oil
  • mango
  • banana
  • Greek yogurt
METHODpeel the mango with the peeler and then cut it  in bite size pieces using a knife and then put this mango in the food processor and grind until smooth and creamy.And then peel the banana and break off little chunks and put them in the food processor and then add Greek yogurt (half a cup) and our last ingredient is the magical and my favorite, coconut oil (add about 1 tablespoon) and then start blending.Blend it well until all the ingredients are well combined.

Hope you guys like this summer hair mask.
Damp your hair and then comb it to get rid of any tangles and then apply the mask on to your scalp and work you way down and concentrate on your tips. Make your hair in a bun and let this sit on your hair for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly so you don't have any fruit bits left in your hair.

hope you guys enjoyed this summer hair mask.

also check out


Tuesday 28 June 2016


Hey guys,

Summers have finally arrived and now you have your summer break and all the time to yourself. You can go to the beach or just stay in bed for all you want But..... these are not the only things that come in the summers. Your stinky little pal 'sweat' also arrives. Which means it is gonna spend a lot of time with you and it might transfer some of its BO to you and your little friend is not gonna leave you alone. So to fix this little problem I have some recommendations for you.

In this post i will share some of by favorite perfumes with you which are perfect for the summers and perfume is the friend you wanna stay with especially in the summers and also showering. Showers are important too.


This perfume has a refreshing aquatic scent and reminds me of the cool ocean breeze with a hint of seawater and citrus fruits. It also has some floral notes. Perfect for the girls who prefer mild scents. This one will definitely not give you an headache. This perfume will keep you feeling refreshed all day long.

You can buy it here:
Pakistanis check out:

 This is a bright and juicy scent with hints of apple. This is definitely a bold a perfume but still isn't heavy for the summers. It has a nice balance between fruity and musk. This is for the girls who prefer perfumes with an energetic scent.

You can buy it here:
Pakistanis check out:

This perfume has mainly a floral scent with hints of vanilla and spice. This perfume is the perfect blend between sweet and spicy.
Definitely for the girls who prefer strong floral perfumes. It is a strong scent and many people prefer it in the winters but like it the other way around.

You can buy it here:


 As the name suggests, it is a very refreshing scent and is perfect for the summers. It mainly has green cucumber scent with aquatic notes. A must have for summers.

You can buy it here: